
Concepts and Approach in ARAMiS II

The applicability of the developed concepts and approaches is demonstrated in ARAMiS II by representative, application-oriented use cases and corresponding demonstrators in the application fields automotive, avionics and industrial automation. The demonstrators have a broad coverage in order to verify the applicability from different perspectives and by different industry partners, who have each individual development processes using many different tools:

  • In the domain automotive the application examples range from control units for chassis systems over powertrain up to new control systems for drive systems in electrical vehicles.
  • The avionics domain considers an extension of the ‘Multicore Observer’ as developed in ARAMiS, an airplane engine control as well as application examples in the area of flight controls and cockpit systems.
  • In the domain industrial automation, applications in the areas power industry, mobile machines as well as networked pumps are available for the evaluation of approaches and results.

The broad coverage of demonstrators contributes to a simplified transfer and application of the results to a number of application fields. The evaluations shall approve that the developed methods, tools and platform adaptations are of high quality and applicable in practice. 

AUTOMOTIVE – Demonstrators

AVIONICS – Demonstrators